An Affordable Holistic Maternity Story “A Tale of Jane and Jill”

    Jane and Jillian are both excitedly preparing for the arrival of their babies, embracing a holistic approach to pregnancy. They have chosen homebirths and are supported by doulas—both committed to making their pregnancy journeys as natural and personal as possible. However, while their prenatal and birthing plans are nearly identical, their financial experiences […]

Not Just Paying The Claim “The ShareWELL Difference”

At ShareWELL, a Sharing Request is much more than just paying a claim. It is a true Advocacy approach that is designed to effectively use a self-pay method in the healthcare system to benefit each member of the ShareWELL community.  Transitioning from traditional insurance to our Health Share model requires a shift in mindset, but […]

Optimizing Your Health Costs & Care “The ShareWELL Difference”

  Healthcare Shopping Tools At ShareWELL, we understand that navigating the complexities of healthcare can be challenging, especially when you’re focused on saving money and managing your health as a self-pay patient. That’s why we’ve created this Advocacy Resources Center—to empower you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to make informed decisions and […]